Grow Grant

GROW stands for Gathering Reflection while Observing the World. 

GROW, established by Jennifer Hanley Armstrong ’00 and Gregory Armstrong, provides a financial award to deserving faculty or staff members at Maryvale Preparatory School. This grant award will be used towards the personal or professional enrichment of a faculty or staff member. Knowing that educational enrichment and travel experiences (both domestic and international travel) rejuvenate and motivate educators, it is expected that this award will directly benefit the educational experience of Maryvale students. 

Grow Grant Destinations and Topics  
2023-2024: San Diego, California
Explore the missions, settlements, Latino cultural centers, and the boarder crossing to gain a deeper understanding of California's past and its impact on current issues. 
2019-2020: Santa Fe, New Mexico
*This trip was taken in 2022 due to the pangemic.
Study the American Masters, including Georgia O'Keefe, Ansel Adams, and indigenous artists native to the region. 

2018-2019: Germany
Learn from one of the best schools in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

2017-2018: Kenya
Volunteer at Daraja Academy and Explore Ol Pejeta Nature Conservancy.
2016-2017: New England
Travel to the homes and libraries of American writers, including Hawthorne and Melville. 

2015-2016: Italy
Research the Shroud of Turin, a unique combination of chemistry and religion.

2014-2015: Germany
Gain knowledge of the Holocaust in the settling of several German sites. 

2014-2015: Scotland
Participate in the world's largest performing arts festival, Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

2013-2014: France
Experience great works of art and the historic locations that inspired them.



Featured Trip: Santa Fe, New Mexico