Inclusion and Belonging

"We must have courage in the times we live in. Great souls are needed, souls having the interests of God at heart.”

St. Julie Billiart (Foundress, Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur)

Inspired by the Hallmarks of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, the Maryvale community of students, families, teachers, administrators, alumnae, and trustees is dedicated to building and advancing a school culture that honors the dignity of each person. In this spirit, we embrace justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. We are committed to educating young women who proclaim by their lives, even more than by their words, their belief in socially responsible action, as stewards of God’s peace and love.

Maryvale Preparatory School rejects all forms of racism and discrimination as destructive to our community and as inconsistent with our Catholic values. We honor the sacredness of each person regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, religious belief, gender, age, sexual orientation, socio-economic background, learning style, or ability. The diversity of humanity and the gifts God bestows on each of us enriches our learning community for all.

In keeping with our mission to educate young women for life, we are committed to critical thinking, lifelong learning, restorative practices, responsiveness to injustice, and to the provision of essential resources that prepare our students to thrive in an ever-evolving, global society. We seek to create a community where each individual is valued and feels a sense of belonging. We work to foster the holistic development (academic, spiritual, physical, and civic) of students. We trust that the comprehensive experience of a Maryvale education will enable all students not only to value self but to respect the humanity of all people.

For more information about the Hallmarks of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, click here!